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所属分类:行业新闻    发布时间: 2020-03-01    作者:




就在几年前,这个想法还引起了一些注意。 但是,如今,在一个漫长的能源转型之旅和一个低油价的中东世界中,波斯湾公司在该地区和世界各地对太阳能和风能的增加投资是完全合理的。








郝芬 译自 今日油价




The Real Reason The Middle East Is Pivoting Towards Renewables


The oil-rich Middle East is boosting investments in renewable energy generation at home and abroad.


Just a few years ago, this notion would have raised a few eyebrows. But these days, Persian Gulf companies’ increased investments in solar and wind power in the region and around the world make perfect sense in a world that begins its long energy transition journey and a Middle East suffering from low oil prices.


The largest power firms in some of OPEC’s leading producers expand their international footprint, aiming to capture part of the booming global renewable generation market. At home, power companies invest in boosting electricity generation from clean sources in the Middle East, freeing additional barrels of crude oil—which is burnt for electricity in OPEC’s top producer Saudi Arabia, for example—for exports and for additional government revenues.


Two of the largest and most influential OPEC members, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates UAE), already have long-term national renewable plans to cut reliance on crude for electricity generation. The biggest power companies in the two countries are also increasingly looking abroad to expand their renewable power operations in the most promising alternative energy markets.


The UAE has an energy strategy through 2050, which calls for generating 44 percent of its electricity from clean energy, 38 percent from natural gas, 12 percent from clean coal, and 6 percent from nuclear power. The strategy aims to boost the share of clean energy in the energy mix from 25 percent to 50 percent by 2050, reduce carbon footprint of power generation by 70 percent, and save the country US$190.6 billion 700 billion UAE dirhams by 2050.



